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Vertebral Subluxation
Vertebral Subluxation

The 2nd thoracic vertebra. Nerves from this area of the spinal column go to the heart.

The process of a spinal vertebra, pelvic bone, or other bone getting out of it’s normal position, a lot or ever so slightly, and producing nerve pressure, which can then lead to many different kinds of symptoms / dysfunction in the body, is known in Chiropractic as the vertebral subluxation, and it is usually accompanied by these main hallmarks:

1) Hypomobility- The vertebra typically shifts into a sustained position and becomes fixated, and loses it’s normal range of motion. This can range from ever so slight to something reminiscent of a rusted bolt in a piece of machinery, but whatever the degree of fixation , this diminished or restricted range of motion in the joint then produces scrubbing or friction within the joint when the person is moving around.

2) Inflammation- The lack of mobility and subsequent friction generates an inflammatory process in the disc and joint capsules that are then capable of bulging into a nerve root, and altering nerve function and body processes.

3) Tenderness/Pain- It is possible for a disc and/or joint capsules to produce tenderness or pain if they swell and bulge into a nerve root. However pain is NOT always evident, since all portions of the nerve system do NOT carry pain information, if the bulge happens to impinge an area of a nerve that is not concerned with perceiving pain “information” then the person is typically unaware that they have a Chiropractic problem. Often times the person is only aware that they feel “sore”, “stiff” or “tired” in whatever area of their spinal column or pelvic region.

Here at Greene Chiropractic vertebral subluxations are accepted where they are found.

If a person comes into this office seeking Chiropractic care with, say, migraine headaches as a chief complaint, and after consultation, case history, and exam it is felt that Gonstead Chiropractic can help and after being accepted as a patient x-rays will then be made.

If after Gonstead Chiropractic exam the only subluxated vertebrae found are in the Lower back, mid-back and upper mid-back area for instance, then these are the vertebrae that would receive the Chiropractic adjustments in this case. This goes beyond mere allopathic, therapeutic manipulation, i.e. manipulating where it hurts… and epitomizes classic Chiropractic which is embodied in the Gonstead System.

Once the subluxated vertebra has been scientifically adjusted back into it’s proper position, mobility restored, nerve pressure removed and more life force flowing from brain cells to tissue cells, leading to better coordination between brain and body, people are often amazed at, beyond the symptoms that may have brought them to Greene Chiropractic, the potential that wasn’t being expressed in their lives, the potential for more regeneration, more health, more vitality. In short, they’re amazed at how much better they feel overall, with Chiropractic adjustments.